Submitting your documents

You are required to submit all placement documents through UQ's placement management system, InPlace

You can access InPlace via your My.UQ dashboard, or through the My.UQ Manage My Program page. Check 'Staff and Students' on the homepage and log in using your student login details (same as My.UQ logins).

For help using InPlace, contact:

Student Services –
AskUs –
Service desk –

Submission deadlines

Deadlines for submission vary by discipline – you may be required to submit your placement documents at the start of your program, at the end of year 1, or before commencing your first placement course.

Be sure to confirm the deadline for your discipline below, and contact Student Admin if you're unsure. 




At the commencement of the program

Clinical Exercise Physiology

At the end of year 1


Before commencing a placement course


At the commencement of the program


Before commencing a placement course

Exercise and Sport Sciences

At the end of year 1

Health, Sport, and Physical Education

Before commencing a placement course

Nursing and Midwifery

At the commencement of the program

Occupational Therapy

At the commencement of the program


At the commencement of the program


At the commencement of the program


Before commencing a placement course

Social Work

Before commencing a placement course

Speech Pathology

At the commencement of the program