Partnership highlights
View highlights from major partnerships below and on HaBS News
Partnership and project highlights in the news

Update 2, 2021 - Key metrics, achievements and initiatives
Partnership highlights
Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS) with Metro North Health
- Hospital now operational.
- Relocated the RECOVER Injury Research Centre to the Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service
- Conjoint Director, research fellows, Interprofessional Education coordinator and research manager appointed and in place.
- Queensland Aphasia Research Centre established.
- Clinical student placements underway.
Other projects with Metro North Health and the Oral Health Alliance
- Herston Biofabrication Institute
- Herston Infectious Diseases Institute (HeIDI)
- Safe and Effective Medication Research Initiative
- Research Alliance for Urban Goori Health
UQ Healthy Living
- $1.2 million expansion now includes Members Studio.
- Extension of service provision options and associated interprofessional student placements.
- Joint governance with UQ Health Care.
- New research projects being undertaken in collaboration with HaBS academic staff.
Other Major Partnerships and Projects
Healthy Ageing and Aged Care
- Significant engagement with Wesley Mission (QLD).
Children’s Health Queensland
- Discussions underway for a new UQ Healthy Families clinic.
Alliance with the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health
- We continue to work closely with Institute for Urban Indigenous Health; 146 UQ students on placements in semester 1, spanning across architecture, physiotherapy, audiology, pharmacy, nursing, dietetics, public health, health sciences, speech pathology and occupational therapy.
Sports Partnerships
- Active exploration beginning for opportunities arising from 2032 Olympics and Paralympics.