Professor Leanne Hides from UQ's School of Psychology was interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald about the new $2.5 million UQ-led Centre of Research Excellence investigating better ways to help people suffering with drug and alcohol addiction.
The money, provided by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), will be used to turn the existing partnership between UQ researchers and addiction support provider Lives Lived Well into a national Centre of Research Excellence (CRE).
The new CRE’s director, UQ clinical psychologist Leanne Hides, said the funding injection would allow them to expand their operations and do thorough investigations into how well their programs were working.
“This is one of the biggest investments in the alcohol and drug [treatment] sector from NHMRC that there has been for some time,” Professor Hides said.
“It’s pretty exciting, and it gives us the resourcing we need to bring the government and non-government treatment services, as well as Australian and international researchers, together to really have a look at this to look at what we can do better.”