Associate Professor Alina Morawska from UQ's School of Psychology spoke to 7 News about the new Triple P for Baby program.
The course is for parents of children up to two years old and is free, online for parents in Australia.
“Understanding a baby’s development, responding to them positively and sensitively as well as dealing with the mixed emotions that parenting brings,” Dr Morawska said, talking about the program.
Parents who have already done the program report less anxiety and depression and babies have better cognitive development, motor skills and sleep patterns.
“And that continues not just in the first few months of a baby’s development but through up to two years when we follow them up,” Dr Morawska said.
UQ School of Psychology's Professor Matthew Sanders is the Founder of the Triple P - Positive Parenting Program which is backed by hundreds of research trials and proven by millions of parents around the world.