To address the 2023 National NAIDOC Week theme ‘For our Elders’, we asked HaBS academics to share their stories about some of the Elders who have inspired them, and why it’s important to have these strong relationships.

Q&A with Dr Jared Miles
Dr Jared Miles from UQ’s School of Pharmacy is a proud Yuwi man.
Who are some of the elders you respect and why?
My aunty in particular. When we learned of our ancestry and story she led the way to learn and rebuild connection with country and mob. And then she continued to lead in new ways like rediscovering parts of our lost language.
It has been so inspiring to see and follow in her footsteps.
Why do you think it’s important to have strong relationships with your elders?
History is the greatest teacher and our elders put voice to those teachings.
Through knowing, understanding, and learning from our elders we can improve ourselves, community, and country.
How can younger generations build stronger relationships with elders?
Take the time to listen and understand even (especially) if the perspectives and experiences are different than your own.
What have they taught you?
Connection to country and mob is something that can be built into a core part of myself, even when I spent a large part of my life not knowing it was missing.