5 Tips for Overcoming Presentation Anxiety

Feeling jittery before a university presentation? You're in good company! In this article, Camila Franco, a Bachelor of Psychological Sciences (Honours) student at UQ, generously shares her expert tips on overcoming presentation anxiety. Get ready to transform from fearful to fearless with her invaluable advice!

Facing your classmates and delivering information that you've just learned, or are still mastering, can be a daunting task. I recall my first presentations vividly—when I didn’t have so much experience at public speaking, I felt my mouth extremely dry and started stuttering. My heart was pounding so hard, and my anxiety just became worse as I was looking to the public thinking they were judging me for my mistakes.

Here's the deal: even the most self-assured speakers can get a bit jittery before a presentation. A sprinkle of nerves can actually enhance our focus and keep us sharp. While that's somewhat comforting, there are effective strategies to tackle these pre-presentation jitters. But before we delve into those, let’s first gain a clear understanding of what presentation anxiety truly entails!

Understanding Presentation Jitters

The fear of public speaking often boils down to worrying about how the audience will perceive us. It's totally normal to stress over stumbling over words, forgetting what we're going to say, or feeling physically awkward like sweating or shaking. Recognising these signs of anxiety creeping up is the first step to handling them:

  • Muscle tension
  • Shaky hands
  • Dry mouth, sweating, or blushing
  • Upset stomach
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Catastrophic thoughts
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Heart racing or chest feeling tight

While these symptoms can feel overwhelming, they're definitely not unbeatable.

Let's dive into some tricks to help you prep and feel more confident when you're up against public speaking challenges.

Tip 1: Prepare a well-structured presentation

Success in public speaking begins with thorough preparation. Take the time to research your topic extensively and understand your audience's needs and expectations. Structure your presentation logically, and design visually engaging slides to support your message. Rehearse your script until you feel comfortable with its flow and content.

Tip 2: Polish and rehearse your script

Embrace a growth mindset and view challenges as opportunities for improvement. Practice delivering your speech aloud and use self-recording to evaluate your performance objectively. Seek feedback from friends or family members and incorporate their suggestions to refine your presentation. Familiarise yourself with the venue beforehand to alleviate any logistical concerns.

Tip 3: Challenge Negative Self-Talk

Identify and challenge the negative thoughts that contribute to your anxiety. Write down your concerns and the potential consequences you fear. Take a step back and assess whether these thoughts are realistic or exaggerated. Reframe negative self-talk with more balanced and empowering statements.

Tip 4: Create a Troubleshooting Plan

Anticipate potential challenges and devise strategies to address them proactively. For instance, keep a glass of water handy to combat dry mouth, or prepare standard responses for unexpected questions. Having a plan in place will boost your confidence and help you navigate any hurdles smoothly.

Tip 5: Practice Mindfulness

Incorporate relaxation techniques into your routine to manage anxiety effectively. Experiment with breathing exercises, visualisation, or meditation to calm your mind and body. Cultivate mindfulness habits that you can employ before, during, and after your presentations to stay grounded and focused.

When to Get Professional Help

If your presentation nerves are really starting to mess with your academic or personal life, it might be time to reach out for some extra support. Keep an eye out for signs like constantly avoiding presentations, messed-up sleep or eating habits, or weird physical symptoms that don't seem related to anxiety.

Consider chatting with a mental health pro or counsellor who can offer personalised advice and a listening ear. There are plenty of avenues of support you can turn to, including a range of programs and counselling services offered at UQ to help support students’ health and wellbeing.


Dealing with public speaking jitters is tough, but totally doable. Our university days are the perfect time to work on our presentation skills and boost our confidence. Push yourself a bit, tap into the resources around you, and you'll soon be rocking those speeches like a pro. Remember, every presentation is a chance to learn and grow.

Last updated:
6 March 2024