There are a range of pre-placement requirements that you are required to provide evidence of before you commence your placement.

The requirements you need to complete depends on your discipline.  You should review your discipline’s pre-placement requirements to determine what you need to do and when. Take note of the approximate timeframes for completion.  You will need to be well organised and methodical to ensure that you are ready to commence your placement by the due date.

Failure to complete all of your requirements by the deadline will disqualify you from attending placement, and significantly impact your ability to complete your program.

The Placement Ready Team are available to help you navigate your compliance requirements. Our contact with you will predominantly be via email at initial and subsequent time points as per the following workflow diagram. However, you can also contact the HaBS Placement Ready team via or via phone or chat if you have questions. Alternatively, visit the enquiries counter from 11:00am - 2:00pm Mondays - Thursdays on Level 5, Human Movement Studies Building (26B).

Video: Student Placement Journey

Uploading documents to InPlace

Most of your compliance documentation will need to be uploaded to InPlace for verification by the HMBS Placement Ready Team. Before you can access InPlace, you must be enrolled in your placement course. Please watch the video tutorial below for information about how to navigate InPlace and submit your documents. 

Please note: Not all compliance requirements are submitted via InPlace. You should review your discipline’s pre-placement requirements to determine what you need to do and when.

Video Tutorial: A Brief Guide to InPlace for Students

Contact us

Student enquiries
Placement Ready team

07 3346 0903 Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Visit us
Room 539A, Level 5, 
Human Movement Studies Building (26B)

Individual student consultations are available on:

  • Mondays - Thursdays 11am - 2pm. 


Online Chat

The HMBS Placement Ready team are available for online chat Monday to Friday afternoon from 1pm to 3pm.


NEW Live Video Chat

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm. Click HERE to access live video chat site with our team or scan the QR Code below to connect directly with our team: