UQ researchers are seeking healthy adult volunteers, aged 18 years or older, to participate in a study investigating the effects of body size on the craniofacial anatomy using MRI. 

What does participation involve:

  • Volunteers will undergo a head MRI at the UQ Centre for Advanced Imaging (St Lucia campus) and complete a detailed questionnaire concerning the head and face (approx. 1-hour).


To be eligible to participate in this research, volunteers must be:

  • 18 years of age or older; and
  • Able to undergo MRI (i.e., no history of claustrophobia; and no electronic, mechanical, metal, and/or magnetic implants or non-removable items on or in your body, including but not limited to, non-removable jewellery/body piercings, metal mesh/wires/clips implants etc)

Participant benefits

  • You will receive a nominal reimbursement of AUD$40 for your time.

Register your interest 

If you’re interested in participating, please complete the online survey to assess your eligibility and register your interest: https://forms.gle/GgNyx4uDHvRcGF3B8

For any inquiries, please contact Telena Hona at t.hona@uq.edu.au.


This study has been approved by The University of Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee [Approval No.2022/HE001405]