Professor Louise Hickson

Louise Hickson, AM, is Professor of Audiology and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences at The University of Queensland. Professor Hickson has published over 280 research articles, books and book chapters with her main focus on the effects of hearing loss on people's everyday lives and the development of strategies and interventions that improve the uptake and outcomes of hearing rehabilitation. Her most recent book published in 2019 is "Patient and Family-Centered Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: A Practical Guide for Students". Professor Hickson is President of the International Society or Audiology and a Fellow and Past President of Audiology Australia. She has received numerous awards recognising her contributions to audiology, including the international research award from the American Academy of Audiology, The University of Queensland Leadership Award and a Lifetime Achievement Award from Hearing Australia. In 2021 Professor Hickson was Australia's Leading Researcher in the field of Audiology and Speech and Language Pathology and in 2022 became a Member of the Order of Australia for significant service to tertiary education and audiology associations. She is a sought after speaker and regularly presents at conferences and meetings around the world. She also provides advice to hearing rehabilitation service providers both in Australia and overseas and is committed to improving services for people with hearing difficulties.