The University of Queensland is one of eight major clinical and research organisations in Brisbane who have agreed to form a new academic health science entity.
The agreement, struck on July 24, represents a merger of two existing alliances, Diamantina Health Partners and the Mayne Health Science Alliance, plus the addition of the Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service.
The new Brisbane-wide entity will be called the Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners.
The formation of a coordinated city-wide Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC) involving all the major health players had been a long term goal of the university.
The new entity has come about in response to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) call for submissions for recognition as an Advanced Health Research and Translation Centre.
The model will build on that of internationally recognised Academic Health Science Centres, by linking universities, healthcare providers and research institutes to drive excellence in clinical service, research and education.
The union would mean improved healthcare for Queenslanders.
A Brisbane wide AHSC will unite Brisbane’s top scientists, educators and clinicians enabling our most exciting research discoveries to be taken out of the labs and translated directly to patient care.
Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners is now focused on coordinating the bid for NHMRC status.
Recognition as a node of excellence in Australia’s heathcare system will be a pivotal milestone and contribute to Brisbane’s growing international status as a hub for translating research into the best possible health delivery.
Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners are: The University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, the Metro North Hospital and Health Service (Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, and the Prince Charles Hospital), Mater Health Services, Child Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service (Lady Cilento Children's Hospital), the Metro South Hospital and Health Service (Princess Alexandra Hospital), QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and the Translational Research Institute.