Australia Day honours outstanding leaders in health education

12 Feb 2019

Australia Day Honours leaders health educationTwo remarkable educators, academics and leaders from UQ’s Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences have been included in this year’s Australia Day honour’s list.

Dr Allan Coles (AM), the first head of UQ’s Department of Human Movement Studies was recognised for his significant service to sports and exercise science, and to the community.

Faculty Executive Dean Professor Bruce Abernethy said Dr Coles led the change of how the field of sport, exercise and movement was structured and taught at UQ by changing the focus from training physical education teachers to the science underpinning human movement and physical activity more broadly.

“The department that he helped mould is today a prime driver in UQ being consistently ranked within the top five universities world-wide in the field of human movement and sport science and this is a direct reflection of Allan’s vision and energy as an academic leader at UQ.”

Dr Coles said the award came as a surprise and an honour, although many former students and colleagues said it was long overdue. 

“I have been fortunate in having leadership opportunities in life where it has been possible for me to pursue visions for advancement in my fields of interest.

“Since receiving the award, the most gratifying congratulations have come from former students at Sydney Teachers' College, Dalhousie and Queensland universities, especially comments regarding the trail blazing I achieved at those early times.”

UQ School of Pharmacy Adjunct Professor Dr Geraldine Moses (AM) was recognised for her significant service to medicine as a pharmacist, particularly through advisory and educational roles.

Dr Moses has taught undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy students and contributed to pharmacy research at UQ for over twenty years.

She is also a hospital-based drug information consultant, clinical pharmacist and advisor on Pharma-Advice for the Australian Dental Association’s national drug information advisory service.

Dr Moses said she was absolutely thrilled, surprised and incredulous to receive the award.

“All the projects I have undertaken over the years have been about providing better medicines information and advice to those who need it, from health professionals to regulatory authorities and the general public.

“What I love about this work is that it is always very meaningful and can make a big impact on people's lives and patient care.

Faculty Executive Dean Professor Bruce Abernethy congratulated Dr Coles and Dr Moses on their Australia Day honours awards.

“We are very proud of the significant and exceptional contributions both deserving recipients have made to UQ and their community.”

A full list of Australia Day 2019 Honours List recipients, which included UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj are available here.
