The most recent graduates of the UQ Joint International Psychology Program (JIPP) were cause for a double celebration, marking the tenth anniversary of a relationship with Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.

The University of Queensland and Chulalongkorn University developed JIPP – an innovative four year program of psychology studies – in 2008.
JIPP students spend their first four semesters of study at Chulalongkorn University, three semesters at UQ, and their final semester at Chula.
Upon completion of the eight semesters, JIPP students earn a UQ Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) and a Chula Bachelor of Science (Psychology).
Head of the UQ School of Psychology Professor Virginia Slaughter congratulated this year’s graduating cohort.
“It’s a demanding program, of which all graduates should be proud,” Professor Slaughter said.
“They study in multiple languages and graduate with two degrees.
“Including this year’s cohort, nearly 100 students have graduated out of the JIPP program, and the majority have gone on to professional and research training globally, including Thailand, UK, US and Australia.
“We also have ongoing research links with the Faculty of Psychology at Chula, through PhD student research and academic visits that have produced important research outcomes.”

Nuam Sutaputra is one of the recent graduating cohort.
“Studying at UQ has been a pain and a joy,” he chuckles.
“The courses were challenging, but that made them very fun puzzles to fiddle about and solve – so you know they are not boring, and you do feel like you are learning a lot.
“The Faculty members display clearly that they know their content, and they are passionate so this made them extremely good at teaching and stimulated me to learn more (and sometimes even above and beyond the course content – something which I initially did not expect to do).
“Studying here, I was able to access a lot more content, such as research papers, even in unrelated fields to mine giving me access to a knowledge buffet that I will dearly miss.”
After graduation from Chula, Mr Sutaputra plans to take further study in the field of Psychology.
Find out more about the UQ School of Psychology’s linked degree programs.