The UQ Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences is proud to announce that following an international recruitment process, Professor Saso Ivanovski has been appointed as the next Head of the UQ School of Dentistry.

Professor Ivanovski was previously Chair of Periodontology and Director of Research at the School, a position he has held since 2017. He is also Director of the recently established Centre for Orofacial Regeneration, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation (COR3).
Faculty Executive Dean Professor Bruce Abernethy said Professor Ivanovski brings a great deal of experience and knowledge to the leadership role.
“Professor Ivanovski is a clinician-researcher with extensive experience both in the research setting and in the clinical setting as a prominent periodontist,” Professor Abernethy said.
“As a researcher he has established expertise and international standing in the areas of periodontics, regenerative dentistry/medicine, tissue engineering, biofabrication and cell biology, and has published widely on multiple aspects of oro-facial wound healing and regeneration, and rehabilitation with dental implants.
“A committed educator, Professor Ivanovski has also been at the forefront of a number of dental curricula re-design and the development of specialist postgraduate training programs and has a history of successful scholarship in teaching endeavours, including funding from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council.”
Professor Ivanovski said he looked forward to taking on the new challenge.
“The UQ School of Dentistry has gone from strength to strength in recent years, having successfully navigated the re-location to a world-class facility within the Herston Biomedical Precinct,” Professor Ivanovski said.
“Over recent years, the school has successfully navigated the re-location to a world-class facility within the Herston Biomedical Precinct.
“The school will now look to engage externally with the profession and industry, as well as other stakeholders and collaborators, to build its national and international standing and reputation.”
Professor Ivanovski holds Bachelor of Dental Science (Honours), Master of Dental Science (Periodontology) and PhD qualifications from UQ. He was the Foundation Chair and Professor of Periodontology at Griffith University from 2006-2017, where he was Deputy Head of School (Research) and established and led the specialist training program in periodontology.
He was the Foundation Chair and Professor of Periodontology at Griffith University from 2006-2017, where he was Deputy Head of School (Research). During this time, he established and led the specialist training program in periodontology, and was the discipline lead of periodontics and dental implantology.
Professor Ivanovski is the former federal president of the Australian Society of Periodontology (ASP) and the Australasian Osseointegration Society (AOS), and is president elect of the ANZ division of the International Association of Dental Research. He is a fellow of the International Team of Implantology, the Academy of Dentistry International and the International College of Dentists.
Some of his research career highlights include a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) training postdoctoral fellowship at UQ’s Institute of Molecular Biosciences, a clinical fellowship at the University College of London’s Eastman Dental Institute and numerous NHMRC project grants.
Professor Ivanovski has more than 180 publications in the peer-reviewed international literature and a well-established record of competitive grant funding from NHMRC and industry sources, including recent funding as academic lead of the craniofacial and oro-dental research program in the Herston Biofabrication Institute, in collaboration with Metro North Hospital and Health Service.
He was recently recognised by The Australian Higher Education supplement as Australia’s leading researcher in dentistry.
Professor Ivanovski commenced in his new role in January 2021.