Universities join forces on national study to track nursing and allied health graduates

20 July 2022

The University of Queensland has joined the largest study of employment outcomes for nursing and allied health graduates ever undertaken in Australia.

The Nursing and Allied Health Graduate Outcome Tracking (NAHGOT) study will follow thousands of nurses and allied health professionals for ten years post-graduation, giving researchers the most comprehensive picture of national workplace trends in the sector.

The study, which first began in 2017 as a partnership between UQ, Monash University and the University of Newcastle, has grown into a national collaboration including Deakin University, University of Southern Queensland, and University of South Australia.

Associate Professor Geoff Argus from UQ's Faculty of Health and Behavioural Science and Southern Queensland Rural Health (SQRH) Director said NAHGOT was the only large-scale study of its kind focusing on Australian nursing, midwifery, and allied health graduates and the factors that lead to rural practice.

“This project will provide important information to inform future rural health workforce policy and potentially influence the way health training is delivered in rural Australia,” Associate Professor Argus said.

SQRH is a collaboration between UQ, University of Southern Queensland, Darling Downs Health and South West Hospital and Health Service.

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