Healthy eating on a budget: Tips from a Dietitian

Do you want to eat well without spending a fortune? Do you want practical strategies to save you time and energy in the kitchen? Do you get stressed out by the endless options and prices at the grocery store? If you nodded along to any of these questions, then keep reading!

UQ Master of Dietetics Studies graduate Madison Hows shares her secrets to help you plan, shop, cook, and savour nutritious and delicious meals on a student budget. 

Plan your meals and snacks

Planning ahead can save you time, money, and stress. It can also help you avoid impulse purchases, food waste, and unhealthy choices.

Here are some steps to plan your meals and snacks:

  • Check what you already have in your fridge, pantry, and freezer. Use up what you have before buying more.
  • Look at your schedule for the week and decide how many meals and snacks you need to prepare. Consider your classes, assignments, work, social activities, and other commitments.
  • Meal prep! Planning and prepping your meals ahead of time can be a great way to save time, money and stress.
  • Browse online for recipes that are easy, healthy, and suit your taste and budget. You can use websites like BBC Good Food, Taste or No Money, No time for inspiration. Try to include a variety of foods from the five food groups: vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy (or alternatives).
  • Make a shopping list based on the ingredients you need for your recipes. Stick to your list when you go shopping and avoid buying things you don’t need.

Shop smart 

Shopping smart can help you save money and get the best value for your groceries.

Here are some tips to shop smart:

  • Compare prices (check price per kg) and look for specials and discounts.
  • Shop online and organise click and collect to save time spent browsing a supermarket and avoiding impulse buys.
  • Buy in season fruits and vegetables. They are usually cheaper, fresher, and tastier than out-of-season produce. You can also check out local farmers’ markets, community gardens, or the UQ food co-op for fresh and affordable produce.
  • Buy frozen, canned, or dried fruits and vegetables. They are nutritious, convenient, and have a longer shelf life than fresh produce. Just make sure to choose products that have no added salt, sugar, or preservatives.
  • Buy in bulk. Items like rice, pasta, oats, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and spices are cheaper and last longer when bought in bulk. You can also split the cost with your friends or housemates and share the food.
  • Buy generic or store-brand products. They are usually cheaper and have the same quality and nutrition as the name-brand products.
  • Look out for the ‘odd shaped’ fresh produce which is usually sold at a discounted price.
  • Avoid shopping when hungry to help prevent impulse purchases like chips and chocolates, which are often positioned near the checkouts – take your shopping list and refer back to it as you shop.

Cook simple and healthy

Cooking your own food can help you control what you eat, how much you eat, and how much you spend. It can also be fun, creative, and rewarding.

Here are some tips to cook simple and healthy:

  • Use simple and healthy cooking methods. You can bake, roast, grill, steam, boil, or microwave your food. Avoid frying, deep-frying, or adding too much oil, butter, or cream to your food.
  • Opt for one pot dishes that can be made in bulk to save time and energy cooking during the week.
  • Get the most out of those veggies that have sat in your fridge too long by adding to a stir fry, bolognaise dish or curry.
  • Add fruit that’s on the verge of spoiling to baking or chop up and freeze.
  • Use herbs, spices, lemon juice, vinegar, or low-sodium sauces to add flavour and variety to your food. Avoid using too much salt, sugar, or processed condiments to season your food.
  • Use lean meats, skinless chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, seeds, and legumes as your protein sources. They are rich in protein, iron, zinc, and other nutrients. Try to limit your intake of processed meats, such as bacon, ham, salami, or sausages, as they are high in salt, fat, and preservatives.
  • To make cooking more enjoyable, why not play a good playlist or podcast to keep it interesting

Bonus tip: Did you know there are foods and nutrients that help your brain work better and keep you healthy for study and life? Read our blog article to find out the best foods for your brain during exams.

Enjoy your food 

Eating well is not only about what you eat, but also how you eat it.

Here are some tips to enjoy your food:

  • Eat mindfully. Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues and aim to eat until satisfied rather than full.
  • Eat slowly. Chew your food well and savour every bite.
  • Eat with others. Share your food with your friends, family, or housemates. It can make eating more enjoyable, and also help you save money by splitting the cost of ingredients.
  • Where possible, avoid eating on the go to allow your body to register fullness cues and feel satisfied after eating.

How to eat well on campus without breaking the bank 

When you’re at uni, you might be tempted by the many food options available on campus, from burritos and burgers to sushi and hot chips. But eating out every day can be expensive and unhealthy.

So how can you eat well on campus without spending a fortune? Here are some tips:

  • Get freebies and discounts on your birthday and from campus food outlets.
  • Make the most of the cheap eating outlets on campus.
  • Bring reusable coffee cup and water bottle for cheaper drinks and less waste.
  • Bring lunch or leftovers from home for cheaper and healthier meals. You can use the microwaves and 24-hour student rooms to heat it up or pack a salad or sandwich that doesn’t need heating.
  • Join the Red Room Reddy Crew for regular specials and a free birthday meal.
  • Visit the UQU Food Co-op which provides fresh produce to students at low prices.
  • Make the most of UQU food and retail outlet discounts.
  • Enjoy cheap eats from Brisbane’s best food trucks during revision period.

If money is still tight, the UQ Union has you sorted for free meals too.

  • Check out the free breakfast bar on Mondays and Tuesdays. You can get toast, muesli, cereal, fruit, yoghurt, milo, tea and coffee for free.
  • Line up for the free pancake barbecue every Thursday morning. You can get fluffy pancakes with your choice of toppings for free.
  • Get yourself a free dinner at Kampus Kitchen every Tuesday and Thursday. You can get a nutritious meal cooked by UQU volunteers for free.

Bonus tip: Did you know that as a member of UQU you are entitled to a FREE membership to Mates Rates which provides exclusive offers on food and drink from UQU operated outlets in campus?

In a nutshell, healthy eating on a student budget is totally doable! Plan, shop smart, and cook with flair. If you're a UQ student, campus perks and discounts are your secret sauce. Remember, it's all about savvy choices and savouring every tasty bite – your taste buds and your wallet will thank you!

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Last updated:
12 October 2023