Most students will require fit testing prior to commencement of clinical placement in a Qld Health facility, Mater facility and various other facilities that have fit testing as a mandatory requirement.  Fit testing may be a requirement in other facilities also. 

Fit testing is a validated method to determine whether a specific make, model and size of respirator achieves an adequate seal on an individual’s face. You will be required to undertake a quantitative fit test. 

A quantitative fit test gives objective numerical results through the use of specialised particle counting equipment (such as a PortaCount™ Plus machine). It measures how much air leaks into the wearer’s breathing zone. It does not rely on the subject’s response to a test agent.

Before you attend your fit test, you should review this important information, HMBS Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE).

More information is available from Infection prevention and control guidance (including PPE advice).

Fit checking is the minimum standard required each time a P2/N95 respirator is put on to ensure it is applied properly. Fit checking must be performed each time a respirator is used, regardless of whether previous fit testing has been performed. No clinical activity should be undertaken until a satisfactory fit has been achieved. Fit checks ensure the respirator is sealed over the bridge of the nose and mouth and that there are no gaps between the respirator and face.

For a step-by-step guide for performing a Fit Check please view the following PDF guidance Fit Check for P2/N95 respirator (PDF, 737.8 KB).

These videos have been developed by the NSW Clinical Excellence Commission. They provide an explanation of how to perform a fit check for each type of respirator:

Contact us

Student enquiries
Placement Ready team

07 3346 0903 Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Visit us
Room 539A, Level 5, 
Human Movement Studies Building (26B)

Individual student consultations are available on:

  • Mondays - Thursdays 11am - 2pm. 

Online Chat

The HMBS Placement Ready team are available for online chat Monday to Thursday afternoon from 1pm to 3pm.

You can find the chat function on the Prepare for your placement homepage

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Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm. Click HERE to access live video chat site with our team or scan the QR Code below to connect directly with our team: