Dr Li-Ann Leow from UQ’s School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences has received funding from the Brain Foundation for her research into age-related decline.
Not enough physical activity and too much sitting and screen-time have been linked with suicidal thoughts and behaviours in adolescents in developing countries, in a UQ-led study.
An international group of researchers and healthcare practitioners working to advance understanding of the issues surrounding donors of substances of human origin (SoHO), is being led by UQ researchers.
Four University of Queensland professors have been elected as fellows of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia for their contribution to topics of national importance.
Jokes targeting certain groups of people are better received when the joke teller is part of the group being mocked, research from The University of Queensland has found.
Postgraduate research students presented their work to academia, industry and their peers at the UQ School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences (HMNS) Postgraduate Student Conference.
Dr Hang Ta from UQ's School of Pharmacy and AIBN has received funding from the Heart Foundation for her research into how nanomedicines could detect and treat heart disease - still the single leading cause of death in this country.