Professor Sarah Roberts-Thomson starts as the new Head of UQ’s School of Pharmacy today.

Professor Roberts-Thomson has a long history working in various leadership roles across UQ including her most recent appointments in UQ’s School of Pharmacy and UQ’s Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences where she was Associate Dean (Academic) since 2014.
Professor Bruce Abernethy, Faculty Executive Dean said Professor Roberts-Thomson has made exceptional contributions to the University.
“Professor Roberts-Thomson led the development of interprofessional education within the Faculty and was responsible for numerous innovations in blended learning, placements management and the implementation of the student ePortfolio system,” Professor Abernethy said.
“I look forward to working with Professor Roberts-Thomson to lead the school through its next phase of development and I thank Professor Peter Little for his leadership as Head of School since 2015.”
Attracting some $8.5m in grant funding across her career to date, Professor Roberts-Thomson's research has been published in various journals including Cell and Nature Reviews Cancer.
As Head of UQ’s School of Pharmacy, Professor Roberts-Thomson aims to position the school as a leader in discipline research, pharmacy and pharmaceutical education.
“My focus will be to create a school that is recognised as innovative, vibrant and responsive to the changing environment, a school that will influence the wider agenda on emergent models of care and scope of practice for pharmacists,” Professor Roberts-Thomson said.
“I am excited to have the opportunity to foster a genuinely collaborative, successful and happy environment for staff where they feel empowered to be part of the journey with me,” she said.
A registered pharmacist, Professor Roberts-Thomson is a non-executive director of the Pharmacy Council of Australia and former board member of the Pharmacists Board of Queensland.
She holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy, a PhD and a graduate certificate in executive leadership.
Professor Roberts-Thomson is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and holds non-executive director roles at UQ Health Care and International Education Services.
Since joining UQ’s School of Pharmacy as a lecturer in 1998, Professor Roberts-Thomson worked across UQ in a variety of leadership roles such as Deputy Dean of the UQ Graduate School, Associate Dean (Academic) within the now disestablished Faculty of Health Sciences, Acting Director of the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation and Acting Pro Vice Chancellor (Teaching and Learning).