Studying the harm of substance use on mental health is the focus of new University of Queensland research, granted $650,000 from the National Health and Medical Research Council.
UQ Healthy Living Exercise Physiologist Rebecca Stennett and Clinical and Operations Manager Brad McGregor appeared on 9 News discussing their new cognitive training platform.
Professor Jolanda Jetten from UQ's School of Psychology featured in an article by The Australian, discussing Melbourne's COVID curfew and the mental health effects.
A smartphone app to track and improve communication recovery for stroke survivors with aphasia is under development by University of Queensland researchers.
Dr Leigh Sperka from UQ's School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences has been awarded the 2021 Teaching Excellence Award from U21 Health Sciences.
Dr Geraldine Moses from UQ's School of Pharmacy spoke with ABC News about the effects of collagen supplements and whether they lead to younger, healthier skin.
Professor Jolanda Jetten from UQ's School of Psychology spoke to InQueensland about the emergence of a national mental health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Increasing access to cost effective, evidence-based treatment for alcohol and drug use is the focus of a University of Queensland-led Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council.