A team of UQ researchers from has won a prestigious clinical science award from the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) for the fifth time.
Multicultural Australia teamed up with the Australian Government and their Welcome Sports Hub — including UQ as a partner — to give children and young adults an opportunity to try their hand at AFL, Netball, Football, Tennis and other sports in a fun and inclusive environment.
Anyone who’s slaved over a school sausage sizzle may not be surprised to learn that parents and friends raise an average $752 a year for every state school student in Australia.
Regular exercise can improve brain function and may protect against dementia in middle-aged and older adults, with women benefitting almost twice as much as men, according to University of Queensland research.
Dr Gary Chan from UQ’s National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research spoke to News Corp about YouTube videos showing cannabis vaping as fun, are widely available and easily accessible to young people.
YouTube videos showing cannabis vaping as fun and joyful are widely available and easily accessible to young people, a study led by University of Queensland researchers has found.