A roadmap to eradicate cigarette smoking in Australia will be the focus of a new University of Queensland and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)-funded $3 million Centre of Research Excellence.
Why back pain persists in some cases but not others will be the focus of an international study, which has received more than $1.4 million in funding from the US Department of Defense.
The social isolation requirements of COVID-19 meant the HMNS Personal Training Service had to transition entirely online in the same year that the number of students in the program almost doubled.
Sweeping changes to national aged care funding in the past decade have resulted in worse mental health for older Australians, University of Queensland research shows.
Changes to the regulation of vaping products containing nicotine are expected to be implemented in Australia next year, but UQ experts warn more research is urgently needed.
Are Australia’s Sport for Development (SfD) programs embracing the grassroots involvement and self-determination of Indigenous communities, or are they more focused on ticking boxes?