University of Queensland researchers are seeking volunteers to participate in a study designed to co-design a blueprint of an adult mental health service for mothers of children with a disability.
This research aims to understand the factors that influence awareness, access, and uptake of HIV prevention among young people aged 16-24 years in Queensland.
Researchers at The University of Queensland are seeking volunteers to participate in a study exploring the lived experiences of women diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood.
This study investigates why Australian mothers breastfeed for varying durations and how it affects their children's health including oral health, especially if continued beyond 20 months.
This study is a double-blind randomised controlled trial to compare the efficacy of 12 weeks of N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 2400mg/day) versus placebo on alcohol consumption.
Researchers at RECOVER are exploring the potential of driving simulators for those with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and seeks to understand your perspectives of the potential of driving simulators for in clinical practice.