Almost $400,000 in seed funding has been awarded to collaborative projects between The University of Queensland’s Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences.
A University of Queensland study designed to improve balance in older adults with a hearing impairment has been made possible thanks to funding from Sonova, a global provider of innovative hearing care solutions.
An internationally acclaimed researcher in audiology has been appointed as the inaugural Associate Dean, External Engagement for The University of Queensland’s Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences.
Researchers have taken strides in understanding how human feet evolved to enhance walking and running, setting us apart from species such as chimpanzees.
The occurrence of a second pregnancy in a woman’s uterus which already contains a pregnancy is called ‘superfetation’. While there are a number of documented cases it is extremely unlikely to happen.
More than 10,000 Australian undergraduate students have received offers to study at The University of Queensland in 2019, with strong demand continuing for health courses.