Dr Janni Leung and Dr Daniel Stjepanovic from UQ’s National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research featured in a Futurity article about research linking prescription opioid use with a risk of developing mood disorders.
People who are prescribed opioids for pain relief have a higher risk of developing mood disorders such as anxiety, University of Queensland researchers have found.
In one of the world’s first plastics contamination-controlled laboratories, University of Queensland researchers have begun testing blood and tissue samples to develop ways to detect and measure nanoplastics in the human body.
Professor Nancy Pachana From UQ's School of Psychology was amongst a panel of experts discussing the 2022 theme of "break the bias", as well as lessons learned across the UQ community.
This study investigates how the body processes different nicotine products in real-world use situations, including both tobacco and non-tobacco nicotine products.
Labelling of plastic products needs a drastic overhaul including a new "sustainability scale" to help consumers, according to research from The University of Queensland and University of Exeter.
Professor Nancy Pachana, newly appointed Director of UQ’s Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences’ Healthy Ageing Initiative is passionate about building age inclusive environments.