Does the excitability of the motor cortex vary amongst individuals?
This study aims to investigate the variability of motor cortex excitability in a diverse cohort of young, healthy adults using non-invasive brain stimulation.
Data collection will be completed in a single session per participant, taking approximately 60-90 minutes, and will be undertaken at St Lucia.
To be eligible you must be:
- Aged between 18-35 years
- Right-handed
- No history of epilepsy
- No metal in skull or implantable devices (eg. Medication pumps or cochlear implant) and not currently taking any anti-depressant, antipsychotic or anticonvulsant medications.
Participant benefits
All participants will receive a $20 gift voucher per hour.
Register your interest
Please email Imogen Bone ( for further information.
This study has been approved by The University of Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee [Approval No. 2021/HE001488]
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