This Study is now Closed.

This study is seeking healthy, middle-aged Australian adults aged 40-65 years to participate in an online study investigating the long-term impact of concussions.

Specifically, researchers are looking for people who have experienced a concussion more than 3 months ago OR people who have never experienced a concussion. The study will take one hour to complete and consists of completing 3 computerised tasks and responding to a few brief self-report measures.


  • Adults 40-65 years old
  • Normal or corrected to normal vision and hearing
  • No neurological, psychotic, or mood disorders
  • No alcohol or substance dependence
  • Not taking psychiatric medication (e.g., antidepressants)
  • No history of moderate or severe head injury

Participant benefits 

Participants will be reimbursed for their time with a $20 Coles/Myer gift card.

Register your interest 

To register your interest email Amaya Fox at

This study has been approved by The University of Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee [Approval No. 2020/HE000791]