Participate in an online study about how adults over 55 years interact with children & toys. The study can be completed online anytime and without any child present.

If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire via Qualtrics in your own time. The questionnaire will gather some brief information about you (e.g., age, race), ask you to answer questions regarding interactions with a child in a toy-based context, and then complete questions regarding social situations. Completing the online questionnaire should take no longer than 20 minutes.


Any adult aged 55 years or older can participate in this study.

Participant benefits

Participants will go into the draw to win one of three $50 Bunnings Warehouse OR one of three $50 Westfield Gift Vouchers.

Register your interest

To register for the study or find out more, visit the link below. 

Register your interest

This study has been approved by The University of Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee [Approval No.2021/HE001321].