Queenslanders are incapable of assessing their own intoxication levels, especially when their blood alcohol level is high, according to research co-led by The University of Queensland.
Three researchers from UQ’s Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences have been highlighted in the prestigious international list of 2022 Highly Cited Researchers.
The focus a new Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) led by The University of Queensland and the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) is to develop the next generation of health researchers and build research collaboratives with urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities nationally.
People from minority groups who speak with ‘non-standard’ accents face discrimination in job interviews, researchers from The University of Queensland have found.
Multitasking; we all do it, but why do we struggle to do it well? New research by The University of Queensland may have found an answer to the age-old question.
Three academic staff from The University of Queensland’s School of Psychology have been promoted to Professor in recognition of their exceptional work.