UQ researchers are conducting a study aiming to better understand how we adapt our movements to different perturbations.

Researcher are seeking people to participate in the next few weeks (September to December 2024).

If you decide to volunteer for the experiment, you will have to move a cursor to targets in different locations on a computer monitor by moving a stylus or a robot manipulandum.


We need people who have no recent finger/wrist/arm injuries, and neurological disorders. The experiment is completely non-invasive – you just need to play a game using a stylus or a robot – that’s it!

Participant benefits

Participants will also receive 20 AUD as a token of thanks for their time and assistance.

Register your interest 

If you are interested in participating to this experiment, send an email to v.nazari@uq.edu.au or book a day and time that suits you for participation through the following link: 

Register your interest

This study has been approved by The University of Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee [Approval No. 2019/HE002534]